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Star Anise Seeds (Anis Estrella)


Star Anise Seeds
Chinese Star Anise Pods


  • Anise seed is a lovely spice that can add a wonderful aroma and flavor to your cooking
  • Anise seed can be used in whole or ground form to add an aromatic licorice flavor to recipes
  • Star anise is commonly used in its whole form to flavor teas, marinades, soups, broths, and other liquids
  • Star anise is packed with protective antioxidants which neutralize damaging free radicals in the body


Star Anise Seeds

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Pure. Natural. Cultured.

Enjoy flavor without compromise. Several of our spices, seasonings and specialty ingredients are certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified and Kosher approved. Quality is always at the heart of Soeos products. Stock your pantry with the freshest spices.

Farm to People.

Soeos works directly with our farmers and manufacturers to produce the freshest raw ingredients and get them to you at their peak quality.

No More Middle Man

By eliminating the middleman in our production process, we are able to manufacture and ship spices and seasonings quicker than our competitors.

Cutting out the middle man means there’s no extra step from farm to you.

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Star Anise Seeds (Anis Estrella)
